"Kill the Dove!"

- a tale about the revolutionary 1960s

by Francis X. Kroncke

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2. Synopsis - pdf
3. Table of Contents - pdf
4. Chapter Summaries - pdf
5. Author Background - pdf


  1. Resume - pdf
Chapters 1-3 - pdf
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Full book proposal - html

Book Proposal sections:

1. Cover &
Marketing & Promotion
- htm
2. Synopsis - htm
3. Table of Contents - htm
4. Chapter Summaries - htm
5. Author Background - htm



  1. Resume - html
Chapters 1-3 - htm
All chapters

Kill the Dove! is a tale of the tumultuous Sixties, a time rife with radical calls for “Revolution!” It was a time of nationwide student protests. Mass rallies and marches on Washington. Hippies. Free sex. Weathermen bombings. Black Power and Black Muslims. Sisterhood is Powerful. Stonewall gay riots. Draft resistance and raids on draft boards. Attica prison uprising. All these themes thread through the novel. Jared, an anti-war activist who raids draft boards and goes to prison, Aaren, a violent Weatherman bomber, and Char, a nonviolent feminist are lovers, enemies, betrayers and, in time, seekers of a radically new personal revolution that focuses upon the practices of a sacred intimacy as the foundational revolutionary act. To prevent him from organizing a revolt in prison, the FBI put Jared on the Ride, a circuit to various prisons. At Milan, Marion, and Attica he confronts his greatest fears and gains profound insights about violence, sexuality, spirituality and himself. During visits Aaren seduces and betrays him, vengefully working with the FBI. Char got pregnant but decides not to tell him about their child. Her efforts to send mail or visit are blocked by the feds. Char and Aaren develop as members of The Sisters, a radical feminist commune. Char embraces her lesbianism. Aaren and Jared marry, and all three commit to being family. Kill the Dove! is an impassioned, disturbing, and challenging but ultimately hopeful odyssey through the era when folks sang, “All we are saying is give peace a chance!”
